4. Navigate to localhost:8000 on your web browser to test if everything is working as expected.
Django production application configuration
1. Modify your Dockerfile as follows
2. Modify your wsgi.py file as follows
3. Modify your settings.py as follows
Update your requirements.txt to include whitenoise==3.3.1
4. Create a .gitignore in your root directory
5. Create a .env in your root directory
6. Finally, modify the docker-compose.yml file as follows
Deploy to heroku
1. Create a heroku app, together with the add-ons needed for production, e.g. postgres database:
2. Configure heroku variables
3. Update your .env file SECRET_KEY='k_^7*=x48^&f-7_mgm3$z*=-4ogj(!q+prrbi......' DEBUG=False DATABASE_URL='postgres://ntgdltqnyzxb1.amaz/dddie91mk0phpq'........'
4. Deploy your containerized django application to heroku
Run $ heroku open, to view your live site
You can continue with local development by running
$ sudo docker-compose up --build
Note that to do this, you need to set DEBUG = TRUE inside your .env file.
It is recommended that you modify your project to use two settings such that all in all your project is structured as follows
This way, you can import base.py in both production.py and development.py and override different variables as needed. e.g. DEBUG=False inside production.py and DEBUG=True iniside development.py.
Web applications typically disseminate information via three server layers: Web server - First layer: Receives request from client(web browser) Application server - 2nd layer: Receives requests from web server if the client is requesting dynamic content Database - 3rd layer: Receives database queries from web framework's request handler methods In this example , nginx is the web server, gunicorn is the application server (interface between nginx and web framwork request handling function) and the database can be assumed to be a lightweight sqlite3 database. Example: Django architecture Alternatives to nginx : Cherokee Apache HTTP server Alternatives for gunicorn: Apache Mongoose
The following guide will help you get started with installing python3 and pip3 on your linux( Ubuntu 16.04 ) live USB. 1. First install python 3 from the "deadsnakes" repository from the Python Package Accesories ( PPA ) $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install python3.6 This will install both python 3.5.2 and python 2.7.2 on your machine. Verify the installation by running python3 --version or python --version on the linux command line. 2. Next up, install pip3 package manager that will allow you to install other useful python libraries such as numpy,seabon ,pandas etc. $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools $ sudo easy_install3 pip Once again, verify the installation by running pip3 --version on the command line. 3. You can now use pip3 to install non-core python libraries as follows $ sudo pip3 install jupyter $ sudo pip3 numpy etc.
A python package is a collection of python module s. These modules are python scripts with *.py file extension. Typically, these scripts will contain python functions, classes, custom data types etc. Looking at the figure above, the Game package consist of an _init_.py file together with 3 other sub-packages Sound, Image and Level respectively. The _init_.py file must be included inside a directory for it to be considered a python package.In addition, the directory must be defined inside sys.path. Example usage: 1. import Game.Level.Start Suppose the start.py module consists of a function called mince() Inside your python application, you would need to call it as follows 2. Game.Level.Start.mince(<input_params>) Alternatively, you can reference it as follows 3. from Game. Level import Start // recommended approach 4. Start.mince(<input_params>) A less common method is calling the function as if it was defined inside your curr...
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