Setting up a docker-compose django project 1. Follow the django docker-compose guide set-up here . 2. Your working directory should now contain all files listed below Dockerfile docker-compose.yml requirements.txt 3. Test that you app is running locally $ sudo docker-compose up 4. Navigate to localhost:8000 on your web browser to test if everything is working as expected. Django production application configuration 1. Modify your Dockerfile as follows Dockerfile FROM python:3.6.4 ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 ENV PORT 5000 RUN mkdir /code WORKDIR /code ADD requirements.txt /code RUN pip install -r requirements ADD . /code CMD python3 runserver$PORT 2. Modify your file as follows import os from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application from whitenoise.django import DjangoWhiteNoise ...
Method 1: Use the linux command line 1. Assume you have a gitlab repository called matric2016.git 2. Create a new working directory: $ mkdir myproj && cd myproj $ git clone $ cd matric2016.git Make sure you create a github repository with the same name as the gitlab repository ,i.e. matric2016 3. Clone your project into github as follows: $ git remote add github $ git push --mirror github Method 2: Using the github dashboard repository import 1. Click "+" next to your github profile. Select import repository 2. Fill out the import form as follows