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Showing posts from February, 2018

Python packages

A python package is a collection of python module s. These modules are python scripts with *.py file extension. Typically, these scripts will contain python functions, classes, custom data types etc. Looking at the figure above, the Game package consist of an file together with 3 other sub-packages Sound, Image and Level respectively. The file must be included inside a directory for it to be considered a python package.In addition, the directory must be defined inside sys.path. Example usage: 1. import Game.Level.Start Suppose the module consists of a function called mince() Inside your python application, you would need to call it as follows 2. Game.Level.Start.mince(<input_params>) Alternatively, you can reference it as follows 3. from Game. Level import Start     // recommended approach 4. Start.mince(<input_params>) A less common method is calling the function as if it was defined inside your curr...

Big data

We live in a digital age, where billions of digital devices emit high value "big data" every minute. These digital devices include smartphones, electric vehicles, smart watches, laptops, smart meters, smart cities etc. Big data refers to extremely high volume data that may be structured or unstructured . Structured data typically comes in table format with clear labels while unstructured data comes in  non-table format (e.g. Twitter posts, Facebook posts, YouTube videos, Instagram posts etc.) Sources of big data Big data is characterized by: 1. High velocity 2. High volume 3. High variety 4. High veracity 5. High value Learn more:  What is big data?